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We have intelligently designed processes and  Through the analytics tool we are able to obtain results more quickly, formulating  effective strategies and lines of defense that significantly increase the chances of success in each of our cases.

Criminal Defense

Judicial assistance and representation, computer crimes, injuries, recklessness, extradition, money laundering, illicit enrichment, medical negligence, sexual crimes, gender violence and all types of criminal offenses.

Corruption Crimes

Crimes against the public Administration, Embezzlement, Concussion, Bribery, Influence Peddling,

Prevarication, improper conclusion of contracts.

Corporate Defense

Tax Evasion, Tax Fraud, Tax Evasion, Property Crimes


Trademark Registry, Works Registry, Intellectual Property, contracts and everything related to Commercial or Commercial Law.

Civil law

Patrimonial Relations, Successions, family relations, conflicts.

Crimes Against Property

Reception and Money Laundering, Punishable Insolvency, Misappropriation

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